Lee Aerospace and King Air Anti-Fog Windows
As the OEM for the Beechcraft King Air Cockpit and Cabin Windows and as the industry leader in Transparencies, Lee Aerospace continues provide it’s customers with the best in Aircraft Windshields and Cabin Windows. Here is a little background on the King Air Anti-Fog Windows, the “D” Side Cockpit Windows. There are three variations, very early aircraft use a monolithic stretched acrylic (the 50-420066-317 & the 50-42006-318). With continued improvements to the aircraft, pressurization and service ceiling increased, the King Air, then went to a stronger laminated window (the 101-420081-13 & the 101-420081-14). With the continued increase in service ceiling on the aircraft, Beechcraft noticed during certification/flight testing, that the windows were fogging over in emergency descent, making it difficult to see.
Lee Aerospace worked with Beechcraft on a solution and came up with a special anti-fog coating on the interior surface of the window, which virtually eliminated the fogging problem. This additional coating became a certification requirement of the aircraft, in order to pass the emergency descent visibility requirements. Most people are not aware of this requirement. This coating is not a material that can be applied in the field. It is applied in our production facility, under controlled conditions. Always refer to the current Illustrated Parts Catalog (IPC) for the correct part number for your aircraft. The King Air Anti-Fog Windows require special cleaning, as outlined in the maintenance manual, it is important to know which windows are installed in your aircraft
Beechcraft King Air Anti-Fog Windows
- LA101-420081-9 L/H COCKPIT “D” WINDOW LAMINATED – Standard size (ALTERNATE for the 101-420081-7 / 101-420081-9 / LA101-420081-13)
- LA101-420081-10 R/H COCKPIT “D” WINDOW LAMINATED – Standard size (ALTERNATE for the 101-420081-8 / 101-420081-10 / LA101-420081-14)
Note: Refer to the current IPC for the correct part number for your aircraft.
Note: King Air Anti-Fog Windows with the anti-fog coating may be use in place of a non-coated window but a non-coated window may not be used in place of an anti-fog coated window. If the aircraft IPC calls out a -9 or -10 then that is what must be used.
Beechcraft King Air Cockpit and Cabin Windows
Click here for the Lee Aerospace Beechcraft King Air Brochure and for more information contact our SALES DEPT at 316-636-9200 or my email